10 Popular Virus

Virus has give a big effect in our computer. From virus with extension .lnk until .vbs, and now i want to share 10 old popular virus for our computer.

Click for 10 Popular Virus :
1. Pray

Local virus was created using Visual Basic. We found two variants of this virus, for variant Pray.A not have an icon, while for variant Pray.B use Windows Explorer-like icons. If your computer is infected by this virus, when the computer clock on the show at 05:15, 13:00, 16:00, 18:30, or 19:45, the virus displays a message reminding the user to prayer.

2. Explorea

Viruses that are compiled using Visual Basic comes with a size of about 167,936 bytes, without being compressed. Using the standard Windows folder icon similar to defraud victims. This virus will attack your Windows Registry to change the default open of some extensions like .lnk , .pif , .bat, and .com. At the infected computer, in times when certain error messages sometimes appear, for example when opening the System Properties.

3. Hampa

Viruses are also created using Visual Basic and had a folder icon has a size of about 110,592 bytes, without being compressed. Lots of changes he made ​​in Windows, such as the Registry, File System, and so forth, which can even cause Windows can not be used as appropriate. On computers that are infected by this virus, when you start Windows will display a message from the virus creator.

4. Code Red

Code Red shows itself on July 13, 2001, by attacking every server that uses Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS). Worm or virus takes advantage of the open space on the IIS System. Also known as Bady, the virus is designed to inflict severe damage, being able to perform Denial of Service attacks on the IP-specific IP, so not surprisingly capable of causing damage to hundreds of trillions of dollars, and in less than a week the 400 000 server successfully conquered by this virus.

5. Nimda

It was also the year 2001, the opposite of the word "admin". It spreads very rapidly, according to TruSecure CTO Peter Tippett, Nimda only takes 22 minutes to make into the Top Ten at the time. It target is server 2 Internet, spread over the Internet. Nimda will make back door into the OS. so an attacker can access to the server and do anything Nimda also a DDoS.

6. CIH

Detected in June 1998 is also known by the name Chernobil virus, capable of causing losses to 800 billion rupiah. CIH virus attack any files. Exe on computers using Windows 98 operating system, Windows 95 and Windows ME to be his victim. Once your computer is infected, the virus will continue to keep silence in memory, so the result each time you turn on the computer, the virus will always be active. Not only that, the CIH virus able to cause your computer will not boot, because all the system files have been too overwritten by the virus. But now, for users of Windows 2000, Windows XP or Vista, the virus is no longer a threat.

7. SQL Slammer/Saphire

Appeared in January 2003, quickly spread via the Internet. At that time Bank of America ATM service makes a crash, the collapse of Seattle 911 service, and Continental Airlines canceled some flights due to error check in and ticketing. Make a loss of more than $ 1 billion.

8. Blaster

Capable of causing losses to more than 100 trillion more, detected in 2003 also known as Lovsan or MSBlast attacked thousands of users of Windows 2000 and Windows XP all over the world via the Internet or network traffic.

9. Melissa

Friday March 26, 1999, The Melissa virus was the topic everywhere because it infects every PC that uses Microsoft Outlook. This virus could spread quickly because once the victim's computer is infected, Melissa automatically sends itself (in the form of file attachments. Doc) to 50 addresses found in the contacts in Microsoft Outlook. Once the victim opens the file. Doc, then automatically switches the Melissa virus. From Intel to Microsoft and several other major companies that use Microsoft Outlook, until forced to shut down their email systems, to prevent the further spread of this virus. losses incurred so fantastic because almost reach 6 trillion rupiah.


Was first detected in Hong Kong on May 3, 2000, causing losses which was fantastic because hampis reach hundreds of trillions of rupiah. Created by using Visual Basic Script, the virus is so seductive because it spreads via email with the subject "ILOVEYOU". You must be curious about it if you receive an email with frills "ILOVEYOU", and the virus takes advantage of all your curiosity, because once you open the email, the virus automatically infects your computer. Once your computer is infected, the virus automatically sends itself to all addresses found on the contact in Microsoft Outlook.Virus is also known as Loveletter and The Love Bug.
Just for sharing, hope this information will give you a new knowledge

Thanks to: Indahnya Kebersamaan, Math is My Activity, tasikisme

Download Youtube from Ubuntu (Firefox version)

If I have share how to Download Youtube from Mac now, I want to share how to
Download Youtube from Ubuntu

And this is for the tutorial

Click for Tutorial :
1. Download and install add ons flash got for firefox from Here
2. After you have installed it, you can download any video on youtube with your Ubuntu.
And this is for the example video that I want to download

Click for Example :
1. Go to http://www.youtube.com => Choose video that you want to download => Click on icon near from forward icon => Choose where you want to save your video => Wait until the download process finished

2. And done! You have successfully download video from youtube (This ScreenShot I take when i played the Video on my movie player

Thanks for visiting, feel free to get your comment :D

Text Area On Our Blog

Long time I don't make any post yet. Yap, because the reason I must pass the Mid term first, but today, I would post about how we can make a text area

Click for Example :


And this for the tutorial, how to make Text area on our blog

Click for Tutorial :
Click for Post :
Normally we use text area if we want to share our Banner HTML. But we can use it in post like normally.

1. Same with how to make Box On Our Blog or Spoiler In Our Blog we just need go to 'HTML Tab'

2. And copy this script

Type 1

<p align="center"><textarea name="code" rows="6" cols="20">Type something here</textarea></p>


Type 2

<div><form name="copy"><div align="center"><input onclick="javascript:this.form.txt.focus();this.form.txt.select();" type="button" value="Highlight All"> </div><div align="center"></div><p align="center"><textarea style="WIDTH: 300px; HEIGHT: 144px" name="txt" rows="100" wrap="VIRTUAL" cols="55">Type something here</textarea></p></div></

Change Type something here with the text that you want be in your text area
Click for Add Gadget :
Click for Old Interface :
1. Go to Design => Page Elements => Add Gadget => HTML/JavaScript

2. And copy this script

Type 1

<p align="center"><textarea name="code" rows="6" cols="20">Type something here</textarea></p>


Type 2

<div><form name="copy"><div align="center"><input onclick="javascript:this.form.txt.focus();this.form.txt.select();" type="button" value="Highlight All"> </div><div align="center"></div><p align="center"><textarea style="WIDTH: 300px; HEIGHT: 144px" name="txt" rows="100" wrap="VIRTUAL" cols="55">Type something here</textarea></p></div></

Change Type something here with the text that you want be in your text area
Click for New Interface :
1. Go to Layout => Page Elements => Add Gadget => HTML/JavaScript

2. And copy this script

Type 1

<p align="center"><textarea name="code" rows="6" cols="20">Type something here</textarea></p>


Type 2

<div><form name="copy"><div align="center"><input onclick="javascript:this.form.txt.focus();this.form.txt.select();" type="button" value="Highlight All"> </div><div align="center"></div><p align="center"><textarea style="WIDTH: 300px; HEIGHT: 144px" name="txt" rows="100" wrap="VIRTUAL" cols="55">Type something here</textarea></p></div></

Change Type something here with the text that you want be in your text area
~Good Luck~

Mac Login Screen On Ubuntu

As I have promised a few days ago in my post Mac Theme For Ubuntu, I will post about How to change login screen on ubuntu

1. Download Macbuntu-X Theme, Macbuntu-X Icons, Macbuntu-X Cursor
2. Extract all in one folder

Click for Tutorial :
1. Press 'Alt + F2' in your keyboard => Type 'gksu nautilus' => And type your administration password

2. Now copy Appearance from /usr/share/application and paste it into /usr/share/gdm/autostart/LoginWindow

3. After that, now you log out
4. Than when you have log out, the appearance view will appear
5. And if you want to have login screen as like Mac, you just install theme of Macbuntu theme, for the tutorial how to install it, you can view Mac Theme For Ubuntu
6. And done, your login screen like Mac

Original: Macbuntu Remix 11.04

Download Youtube from Mac

When I try Mac for the first time, I have asked to myself. "How I can download video from youtube?" If in Windows and we use Internet Download Manager we can download the video from any website automatically. And how if we use Mac? And we want to download video from Youtube? And after I try many ways. I found the good ways. And I would to share it with you
This is for the example if we want to download from YouTube

Click for Tutorial :
1. Open youtube normally (http://www.youtube.com) with safari
2. Choose video that you want to watch
3. And if you have choose that, just play normally
4. Then, if the video has play, you can wait until it finished buffering, or you can directly download it
5. On Menu bar click Window => Activity
6. Activity pop up will show up => Find an address of video that you just play in time => And click triangle icon to expand the activity
7. Find the content that you want to download (Normally the file size is big)
8. You just double click, and your video will download by Safari Downloader automatically
9. Happy youtube-ing and happy download-in

Hope my tutorial will help you

Nb: I'm sorry I can't give the ScreenShot.